Publisher, Editor
Maer Wilson is a published author with decades of marketing and management experience in the business and entertainment industries. She spent twenty-seven years in Theatre, giving thousands of performances over the years. Her business background includes numerous years in management, and she was the CEO of her own company. Maer dipped her toes into politics, serving a term in local government, but decided she preferred her fiction in books and films. Ellysian Press benefits from her experiences with numerous online ventures. She was co-host of the literary podcast, MythBehaving, currently on hiatus. With over eight years with Ellysian Press, Maer is involved in all aspects of the press.
Maer’s books include the Modern Magics series: the novels Relics, Portals and Magics. The series also includes four novelettes: “Ghost Memory,” “Unwanted Ghost,” “Ghost Dancer” and “Wedding Ghost.” She has published various other writing projects, including a Biography/Memoir that documents the ten years of her friendship with author Philip K. Dick, The Other Side of Philip K. Dick and her fun zombie book, Apocalypta Z. She has completed one screenplay, The Hourglass, which she is novelizing. She has three other novels in various stages of completion: The Journal, Side Step, and Truthsayer.
Favorite Sayings:
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a dragon. Then always be a dragon.
May I always be the person my dogs think I am.
You can find out more at:
Maer’s Website
Publisher, Editor
R.A. McCandless has been a writer both professionally and creatively for nearly two decades. He was born under a wandering star that led him to a degree in Communication and English with a focus on creative writing. He is the author of the steampunk and urban fantasy Tears of Heaven and Hell Becomes Her, short stories “And Into A Watery Grave” in In Shambles, “Grenadiers and Dragon’s Fire” in Gears Gadgets and Steam, “Through the Sting of Fairy Smoke” in Nine Heroes: Heroic Fantasy anthology, and “Holes Full of Dark” in Holes: An Indie Author Anthology.”
He continues to research and write historical and genre fiction, battle sprinklers, and play with his three boys.
EP is thrilled to add his steampunk novel, The Clockwork Detective to our lineup.
Rob’s Website
Publisher, Editor

David Gray is an award-winning creative director and journalist, who has lived and worked in Europe, Asia and North America. He started as a newspaper journalist in his native Scotland and is currently a creative director in his adoptive home of NYC.
David consults for and relaunches magazines and brands, and works on titles as varied as LGBTQ flagship Out Magazine and Formula 1 racing art book, Lollipop. His work covers every aspect of print and digital, from commissioning photographers and illustrators to magazine cover design and digital interfaces for web.
His short stories have most recently appeared in Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, and Metaphorosis magazine.
David became a publisher at EP in May, 2018 and is involved in all aspects of the company. He redesigned the company’s logo and other artwork. His insight and eye for detail bring a new perspective to EP.
His first novels are signed with EP and due to be published in 2019: the fascinating dystopian novels Moonflowers and its sequel, Sea Glass Blue, and the engaging Young Adult fantasy, Neverthere.
Favorite Quote: “I wanted Prestor John, and Excalibur held by a moon-white arm out of a silent lake. I wanted to sail with Ulysses and with Tros of Samothrace and eat the lotus in a land that seemed always afternoon. I wanted the feeling of romance and the sense of wonder I had known as a kid. I wanted the world to be what they had promised me it was going to be–instead of the tawdry, lousy, fouled-up mess it is.” Heinlein, Glory Road
Publisher, PR, Acquisitions
Jenn’s love of writing started the year she received her first diary and Nancy Drew novel. Throughout her teenage years, she kept a diary of her personal thoughts and feelings but graduated from Nancy Drew to other mystery suspense novels.
Jenn often adds a thriller and suspense element to anything she writes be it Romance, Science Fiction, or Fantasy. When not writing, she spends her time reading, observing pop culture, playing with her two dogs, and working on various charitable projects in her home state of New Jersey.
Favorite Quote: “The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” Carl Sagan, Contact
For more info, please check out
Jenn’s Website
Publisher, Cover and Graphics Artist
Johnathan Clayborn is a Publisher, Author, and Graphics Designer. He has worked in graphics design for more than a decade and has produced covers for more than 50 books and movie posters.
Johnathan is a volunteer Search-and-Rescue aircrew and a Part 107 commercial drone pilot. When he’s not making cover art, he’s either writing, doing photography, or playing with his dogs.
Favorite Quote: “Anyone can steer the ship when the sea is calm” Publilius Syrus
For more info, please check out
John’s Website