Welcome to Evoke Press
Evoke Press is the new imprint at Ellysian Press.
We feature select genres outside the Speculative Fiction released from Ellysian Press.
Historical Fiction
Young Adult in the Above Genres
Sub-Genres in the Above
Children’s Books
Genres Published by Ellysian Press
Mission Statement
At Evoke Press, just as we do with our parent, Ellysian Press, we believe that our passion for books is a necessary element in our publishing process. We love stories, we love characters, and we love their creators. We are always looking for fresh voices and unique ideas.
We are committed to producing quality books with engaging stories and believable characters. We provide personal attention to our authors, guide the author through the publishing process and encourage communication between our authors and staff. We provide excellent editing, quality covers and assistance with marketing so that each author receives the support he or she needs in an ever changing industry.
We are currently accepting submissions of full length novels in the genres listed below. Novels must have a minimum word count of 60,000 and a maximum word count of 110,000 to be considered. All manuscripts must be complete and new material. We accept online submissions only.
Submission Guidelines:
Please submit a query letter, a synopsis and the first ten pages of your manuscript in the body of your email. We do not open attachments in the query.
The subject line should be as follows: EVOKE – QUERY – Your Last Name, TITLE, Genre.
If we choose to request more, we will request the full manuscript in standard format. This means your manuscript should be formatted as follows:
One inch margins on all sides and a non-justified right margin
11 pt Georgia or 12 pt Times New Roman font
Double spaced
Either .doc or .docx is fine. Please do not use other formats.
We accept simultaneous submissions. We accept submissions directly from the author or from an agent.
We answer every query and submission. If you do not hear back from us within one month, we most likely did not receive your query. Please feel free to check with us.
Please do not submit queries for any genres not listed above. You may email queries to evoke_submissions(at)ellysianpress(dot)com.